You can upload images and audio files to an animation project, but videos cannot be uploaded.
Uploading Images:
Only a "Property" can be swapped to an image. A character cannot be swapped to an image. So, if there is a character in a scene, change it to a property and then swap it to an image.
1: Select the Character and then choose the "Change Character" option
2: Go to the "Property" section and then select any property from the list
3: Select the Property and then click on the "Change Property" option
4: Click on the "Upload" button at the top right
5: Choose the files from your computer and have them uploaded. Once uploaded, go to the "Upload" section and choose the image you want to add to the scene
Uploading Audios:
1: Click on the "Music" option and click on the "Swap Music" button
2: Click on the "Upload" button at the top right
3: Choose the files from your computer and have them uploaded. Once uploaded, go to the "Upload" section and choose the image/video you want to add to the scene
Supported Image format - JPG and PNG
Support Audio Format - MP3 and WAV